The recently published US Annual Report for Ridvan 2023 has sparked discussions within the
Baha'i community regarding the issue of financial transparency. While the US National Spiritual
Assembly (NSA) has taken the commendable step of sharing their combined financial statements,
questions arise as to why the Universal House of Justice (UHJ) does not follow suit. As the highest
governing body of the Baha'i Faith, responsible for managing funds on a larger scale, it is crucial to
consider the importance of financial accountability and the potential benefits it can bring to the
Transparency in financial matters is critical for building confidence, accountability, and
responsible management within any organisation, especially religious ones. Faith communities
may give confidence to its members by freely providing financial information, allowing them to
understand how monies are used and promoting active engagement in supporting the
community's goals.
Let us look at the financial statement submitted by the UHJ.

Courtesy: Ridvan 2023 Annual Report, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United
The decision of the United States NSA to disclose their combined financial accounts establishes an encouraging precedent for financial transparency inside the Baha'i Faith. While these statements do not provide a full analysis, they do provide vital insights into the institution's financial health, providing some accountability and a basic notion of the direction the community is moving.
The UHJ bears major obligations as the governing body tasked with directing the global Baha'i community, including oversight of numerous funds, such as the Huquq'ullah funds, the Abdu'l Baha Shrine funds, local, national, and international funds, continental and regional funds, etc. Imagine the sum collected by the UHJ and its other administrative bodies in the name of religion. And icing on the cake is that the Haifan Baha'is are tax exempt in Israel, which means that all of their earnings have been declared tax-free. Being tax-exempt means that no federal, state, or municipal taxes are applied to any of their transactions. In the name of belief and tradition, this may be referred to as an organized swindle. Given the scope of its operations, the UHJ should prioritize financial transparency and take proactive efforts to provide their members with a more complete view of the institution's financial activity.
Financial transparency from the UHJ would not only demonstrate their commitment to accountability but also empower Baha'is to make more informed decisions about their contributions and involvement in the community. It would enhance the sense of collective responsibility and ensure that the utilization of funds aligns with the principles and goals of the Baha'i Faith.
The UHJ's financial openness would not only demonstrate their commitment to responsibility but would also enable Baha'is to make better-informed decisions regarding their donations and engagement in the community. It would increase a feeling of communal responsibility and guarantee that monies are used in accordance with the ideals and aims of the Baha'i Faith.
As the top governing organization of the global Baha'i community, the UHJ plays a critical role. Submission of accounts is critical given their responsibility in leading the activities of the Faith, monitoring the management of various monies, and making choices that affect the global community. The UHJ's financial openness is critical for various reasons.
Firstly, financial responsibility guarantees that the UHJ retains the Baha'i community's trust and faith. The UHJ can demonstrate its commitment to responsible accountability and the ethical use of monies entrusted to them by giving a clear and comprehensive picture of financial activity. This transparency creates confidence and invites active engagement and support from the community.
Secondly, sharing financial information helps Baha'is to have a better understanding of how their donations are used and how they match with the Faith's aims and teachings. It allows members to make educated decisions about their financial support and participation in community projects. This openness enables individuals to contribute meaningfully, knowing that their contributions are positively impacting the UHJ's goal.
Furthermore, through submitting financial statements, the Baha'i community fosters a culture of communal accountability and inclusion. It enables real debate and involvement on financial issues, ensuring that resource allocation choices are made cooperatively and transparently. It promotes free communication and engagement among Baha'is worldwide, creating unity and shared ownership.
Additionally, financial transparency establishes a standard of honesty and responsibility that may serve as a model for other organizations and communities within and beyond the Baha'i Faith. The UHJ may inspire other organizations to adopt comparable practices by leading by example, advocating more financial openness and responsible management across many realms of society.
Finally, because the UHJ plays such an important role in directing the Baha'i community globally, filing accounts is critical. Financial openness builds trust, enables informed decision-making, promotes collaborative accountability, and sets a good example for others. By adhering to the principles of accountability and transparency, the UHJ can strengthen its leadership while also contributing to the well-being and progress of the worldwide Baha'i community.
To keep things simple and avoid confusion among Baha'is, the UHJ and its other Administrative bodies should be requested to produce an annual report or other sort of accounting statement. After all, they are all accountable to the community since the funds produced are the result of contributions from the faithful, who have a right to know how much was earned and how it was spent. Let us band together in our resistance to this evident scam and put an end to the distrust that exists between the UHJ, ourselves, and other Baha'is across the world. Will you continue to question the UHJ on Huquq'llah? We'll do it.
Reference: The Caravan Vol-7, Edition 4.