Shoghi Effendi and the Grandsons of Abdul Baha

                                                        Abdul Baha with his grandsons

Respect of Shoghi Effendi towards children of Abdul Baha
Here we would like to bring the facts about Shoghi Effendi’s cruelty towards the Holy family of Abdul Baha, as he become Guardian of faith by  will and testaments of Abdul Baha, he turned dictator and started ex-communicating the holy family of Baha’u’llah, the grand children who served the faith in Europe and America. Readers might be wondering why he has ex-communicated the entire grand children of Abdul Baha, what was that heinous crime which they committed, that Guardian has to take such drastic step to ex-communicate them, not only this even he ordered that if someone asked about their well being will also come under wrath of Guardian. First let us list the Noble family members of and Grand Children of Abdul Baha.

Abdul Baha had four Daughters:
1.     Ziayyeh Khanum
2.     Touba Khanum
3.     Rouha Khanum
4.     Monavar Khanum

1)  Ziayyeh Khanum- Married to Mirza Hadi Afnan
            Children from this marriage:
               I.Shoghi Effendi Rabbani
              II.Ruh-Anghiz Khanum
              III.Mehr-Anghiz Khanum
              IV.Hussain Effendi Rabbani
               V. Riaz Effendi Rabbani

 2)Touba Khanum- Married Mirza Mohsen Afnan
        Children from this marriage:
       I. Ruhi Effendi Afnan
       II.Soroya Khanum
      III.Soheil Effendi Afnan
      IV.Foad Effendi Afnan

 3)Rouha Khanum-Married to Mirza Jalal Effendi Shahid
      Children from this marriage:
      I.Maryam Khanum      
      II.Dr. Munib Effendi
      III.Zahra Khanum
      IV.Hassan Effendi.

    4)Munavvar Khanum-Married to Ahmad Effendi Yazdi.
      No Issue.

Direct Excommunication

Ø Ruhi Effendi Afnan: Grandson of Abdul Baha
Ø Zahra Khanum: Grand daughter of Abdul Baha and wife of Ruhi
Ø Soraya Khanum: Grand daughter of Abdul Baha and wife of Feyzi Effendi
Ø  Foad Effendi Afnan: Grandson of Abdul Baha
Ø  Mehr Angiz: Grand daughter of Abdul Baha and Sister of Shoghi
Ø  Feyzi Effendi: Grandson of Baha’u’llah
Ø  Touba Khanum: second daughter of Abdul Baha
Ø  Rouha Khanum: Third daughter of Abdul Baha
Ø  Mirza Jalal Shahid: Husband of Rouha Khanum
Ø Furughiya Khanum: Daughter of Baha’u’llah
Ø Agha Sayyed Ali Afnan: Husband of Furghiya Kahnum

Let us examine the cause and effects of these excommunications from the Book of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab “ABDUL BAHA’S GRANDSONS”

Mirza Ahmad Sohrab was confident secretary of Abdul Baha for many years he was well versed in Bahai teachings and trusted lieutenant, he was sent to teach and propagate faith to America, there are numerous tablets of Abdul Baha in respect of Mira Ahmed Sohrab after the sad demise of Abdul Baha when Shoghi took the charge of Bahai administration he quickly realize popularity and influence of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, he side lined him, Mirza Ahmad sohrab wrote many books for faith, when he saw Shoghi is excommunicating the entire family of Abdul Baha he wrote a Book “Abdul Baha’s Grandsons ” in which he raised his voice for the oppressed souls of Abdul Baha’s Grandsons.
Ref: Page 24-26

                                             The year of Disgrace
The law of excommunication puts an absolute ban on those who are expelled from the Faith. The families of these persons and their fellow-believers must leave the ostracized individuals alone. They must neither communicate nor associate with them. They must break all ties of friend­ship and of humanity even; for, if they deviate one hair's breath from this law, they themselves fall into the same ditch.
Thus as time goes on, the number of the excommunicated increases.
for a few are generally to be found, here and there, who are willing to risk ease and safety in order to follow their generous impulses. Such evidently was the case in the instance of Touba Khanum; it probably is the case in the instance of Rouha Khanum. However, in the instance of Ziayyeh Khanum, the Guardian cables that his parents strongly condemn Mehr-Angiz's action. Thus, Shoghi Effendi's father and mother have been forced to publicly denounce and repudiate their own daughter. Hereafter, they must be as strangers to her. They can never approach her in her hours of trouble or illness. They will never hold their grandchildren in their arms. Such is the Bahai Cause in this year of disgrace—1942.

A Fact Beyond Realization
I intend to take up the matter, treating it in connection with historical data and in the light of reason; and, in order to simplify the subject as far as possible, I will center my thoughts around the personality of Ruhi Effendi Afnan. His excommunication and the reasons given for it tell the story of all the rest.

Ruhi Effendi Afnan

Ruhi Effendi Afnan has twice visited the United States; he has lectured before numerous Bahai gatherings and outside groups; his articles on the Bahai Cause are published in Bahai publications and the records of his loyal services to the Guardian and the Bahai organization are spread on the pages of Baha’i NewsKnowing full well that he has not deserved the treatment accorded him at the hands of his cousin, Shoghi Effendi, I am taking it upon myself to vindicate him, as far as I am able.
Having experienced excommunication together with the ostracism of all those who are associated with me, I naturally sympathize with other excommunicated persons. However, this is not the reason that impels me to raise a voice of protest at this juncture.
During eight years, I was fed, clothed and educated by Abdul Baha. Throughout that time, the Master's daughters were most gracious to me and I carry in my memory lively tokens of their kindness. I associated most intimately with their children, and vividly remember the ardent respect of these young ones for their grandfather, and their devotion to him. I hold each and all of them in high regard.
I never objected to my own excommunication, nor did I take it at all seriously; but the excommunication of the very family of Abdul Baha has shaken my being to its foundations. I am amazed and indignant. I am outraged and horror-stricken. The fact that Shoghi Effendi has dared to expel from his own household these souls, in whose bodies run the blood and life of Abdul Baha, is beyond realization.  The reasons given for their excommunication are childish to the extreme, having nothing to do with their faith and love for the Baha’i Cause.
In the writing of this book, I have not had the opportunity of con­sulting with any of the members of Abdul Baha'is family. It is certain that none of them would consult with me. Thus, I have asked permission of no one, and am alone responsible for every word appearing here. My own conscience is my sole guide.
Another reason for my taking up the pen in this regard is that a number of Baha’is have written to me on this subject. To put it very mildly, they are disillusioned, shocked and confused. They cannot square the actions of the Guardian with his role in life. They are wondering what precipice is around the corner; toward what swamp of despair the Baha’i Cause is being driven. They are anxiously asking if there may possibly be a modern rational explanation for these medieval and irrational pro­cedures.
We will therefore face the issue: and, as a first step, will examine the Bulls of Excommunication as presented in the up-to-date guise of the cablegram.

Text of Cablegrams (Cablegram received November 10, 1941)
Ruhi's sister married covenant-breaker feyzi, whose mother joined and supported arch-enemy Muhammad Ali and whose father Abdul-Baha denounced openly and repeatedly as His deadly enemy. Ruhi's family concurred, inform all believers (that) all manner (of) communication (with) excommunicated family (is) forbidden.
(Signed) Shoghi Rabbani
(Cablegram received November 10, 1941)
(The) flagrant disloyalty (of) Ruhi’s family compels me (to) disclose information so long (and) patiently withheld (from) Ameri­can believers concerning his failure (to) obtain my approval (of) his second visit (to) America. His Subsequent conduct regarding his marriage which I refrained from revealing (to) anyone except your Assembly, as well as Foad's departure (to) England without my knowledge, should now be made known (to) believers. Confident (of) Unshakable steadfastness (of) exemplary American Baha'i Community-
(Signed) Shoghi Rabbani

Answer sent on November 17th by the National Spiritual Assembly:—
Informing friends (of your) message (about) Ruhi's family. Assure complete obedience protection unity (of) sacred Faith.
(Cablegram received on November 21, 1941)
My confidence(in) immovable steadfastness (and) unstinted loyalty (of) American believers (is) reinforced.
(Signed) Shoghi Rabbani. Bahai News; December, 1941, No 149, pp. 1-2

        Against the Excommunication of Members of Baha-O-Llah's Family
                                 signed by Leaders of Religion and Educators
May 1942
In these days when the principles of humanity are threatened on all sides, there is urgent need for men and women of good faith and purpose to band together for the upholding of the common rights of man, within their own communities and religions and within the communities and re­ligions of others.
It is with this thought in mind that the undersigned consider condi­tions within a minority group, namely the Bahai Cause, and make pas­sionate protest against the recent excommunication by Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, Guardian of the Cause, of certain members of Baha-O-Llah's family. Excommunication, as we take it, is an order for severance of ties be­tween the excommunicated and their fellow-members in Faith. It is an un-Christ-like act which, although practiced in medieval ages by religious authorities, is now totally condemned by enlightened persons of every rank and profession.
Therefore we go on record, at this hour when the Four Freedoms enunciated by the President of the United States are ringing around the earth, endorsing whole-heartedly and without qualifications whatsoever a sentence from Mr. Roosevelt's historic speech before Congress, delivered in January 1941:—
"The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in the world."
On the basis of this principle we insist that, in the New World Order which all of us picture and strive for, the irreligious practice of excom­munication be set aside forever and replaced by the practice of Love and Tolerance as set forth throughout the ages by Christ and the great company of prophets, seers and spiritual teachers.
We urge men and women of all Faiths to consistently oppose, and to refuse to recognize, any and all exclusion acts within their religion, and under all circumstances to keep open the doors of their temples and hearts to their fellow-believers and to their fellows of every race, creed and color.
Signed by:
Mr. David P. Berenberg, Author: A Worker's World; Educator,Lecturer Kedarnath DasGupta, Author: Essence of Religions and Founder of
World Fellowship of Faiths Dr. Georgia Dunn, Professor of Psychology, Hunter College, NewYork
Mr. William Floyd, Editor: Arbitrator; Author, Educator Archbishop William H. Francis of the Old Catholic Church Miss Frances Grant, President of Pan-American Women Association, New York
Mr. Jacob Greenwald, Counsellor-at-Law, New York Dr. John Haynes Holmes, Minister of Community Church, New York Mr. Gordon S. P. Kleeberg, Counsellor-at-Law, New York Commander R. E. Lambert, U. S. N. R.; Editor: Sourcebook Rev. Leon Rosser Land, Minister of Bronx Free Fellowship, NewYork

Dr. John Rowland Lathrop, Minister of Church of the Saviour,
Brooklyn, New York Mr. William Pickens, Director of Branches, National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People, Washington, D. C. Dr. Haridas T- Muzumdar, Author:   The   United Nations of the World; Lecturer, Sociologist
Mr. John J. O'Neill, Science Editor, New York Herald-Tribune Rev. A. J. Muste, Secretary, The Fellowship of Reconciliation, NewYork

The Key. Dr. Charles Francis Potter, Author; The Story of Religion;
Founder and Leader of The First Humanist Society of New York Miss Lisa Sergio, Radio Commentator
Dr. Krishnalal Shridharani, Author: My India, A/y America; Lecturer Dr. Anup Singh, Editor: India To~Day; Author: Nehru, the Rising Star of India
Dr. George Maychin Stockdale, Minister of Church of Christ in Amer­ica, Methodist Branch, Clinton, N. Y. Dr. Eliot White, Clergyman, Writer, Lecturer

                                    Comment and Some Notable Letters
In the Old World, we were not our brother's keeper; but were of the cautious type, looking for our own interests and letting ethers shift for themselves. In the New World that is to be, we shall recognize the fact that all of us are part of the human organism and will boldly apply ourselves Io the task of keeping that organism in good shape. The averted eyes, the careful picking of one's way on the other side of the road will no longer be the acceptable attitude; but the straight look and the helping hand will be the characteristic of a new citizenry, everywhere in the world.
Of such an order are the distinguished educators who have condemned the action of Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, Guardian of the Bahai Cause, taken against several members of Baha-O-Llah's family. Excommunication, to their minds, has no place in modem society; intolerance, exclusion and cruel­ty has no place in any society, and so they have condemned this deed and gone On record in a Protest that wil make a landmark in religious history. The Protestant Minister, the Catholic Bishop, the Jewish Rabbi, the Hindu, the Sikh have arisen together to protect the Bahai—their brother before God and man. So have the boundary lines grown thin under the penetrat­ing warmth of the Religion of Love.
Dr. George Maychin Stockdale, Minister of Church of Christ in America, Methodist Branch, Clinton New York, in a letter dated March 25, 1942 writes to us that their Young Men's Class studied Bahaism the previous week and is to consider Shoghi Effendi's excommunications the following Sunday. Dr. Stockdale states that he is ready to do anything "to help banish this ancient barbarism of excommunication from off this earth" and has actually communicated directly with the Guardian on this subject. He encloses a copy of his letter, which w£ herewith reproduce:—
Methodist Branch George Maychin Stockdale, Minister
Clinton, New York, March 25, 1942.
Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, Guardian of the Bahai Cause, Persian Colony, Haifa, Palestine. Dear Guardian of the Bahai Cause,
Your Chris like Grandfather, Abdul Bah a, when asked on one occasion, "What is a Bahai?" replied,
(J. E. Esslemont, "Baha'U'Llah and the New Era," page 70.)
I Would like to make the above my own definition of what it is to be a Christian. On this definition the Hindu Gandhi and the Buddhist Das Gupta are both Christians and Bahais, as well as true Hindus and Buddhists respectively. Some of my Bahai friends do me more honor than I deserve by telling me that I am a Bahai, although I am just trying to be a Christian.
If we agree on the above, and I hope we do, it is the more amaz­ing to gel word of what are called, and seem to be, your excommuni­cations of Ruhi Effendi Afnan, your cousin; his wife; your sister and others.
What troubles me, my dear Sir, is the method employed. If we love all humans, and the Love of God cannot dwell in us unless we do, how can we use any other than Love and Persuasion as our means of seeking change of mind and heart in those we deem wrong? Can excommunication be a method of Love?
Now far be it from us to prematurely make up our minds in this controversy. We would hear your side. Sir. Yet we assure you that even if you should submit proof positive of the commission of the more heinous crimes by any or all of the excommunicated, (which I am sure you wouldn't,) still would we say that the WAY of LOVE demands we retain community with the vilest of sinners. THEY NEED LOVE EVEN MORE THAN NINETY and NINE SPIRITUALLY TRANSFORMED SOULS, in whom GOD (LOVE) DWELLS. That seems dear to me from both the teachings of Christ and of Baha'U'-Llah, interpreted too by Paul and Abdul Baha respectively.
It troubles me too that it is reported that you are not too sure amid this world madness just what loyalty we owe to God and what to the state. We are blessed beyond many here in America, as in Britain, in that the Draft Law here specifically makes room for us pacifists, who could not disobey God at the command of man, no matter what the consequences. We know you have the cares of a world gone mad in suicidal slaughter on your mind and heart. Yet it would be hearten­ing to have from you a word, clear as crystal, that Bahaism officially "although making no attempt to bind the consciences of its individual members, will NOT OFFICIALLY ENDORSE, SUPPORT OR PAR-T1CIPATE IN WAR." I have slipped into the exact words of our Methodist Branch of the Christian Church, with which I agree one hundred per cent.
Yours, strong in the Faith that LOVE (GOD) alone can win,
(Signed) George May chin Stock dale

Shoghi Effendi has not replied to any of this protest.

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