New Book Launched: Beyond The Narrative

 A will is a critical legal document that grants individuals the power to outline the management and distribution of their belongings after they pass away. It holds immense importance, as it allows for the selection of heirs, appointment of executors, and ensures the care of children through guardianship. Throughout history, the act of drafting wills has played a vital role in safeguarding family legacies and preventing conflicts over inheritance. Its significance transcends mere material possessions, impacting the continuity of familial lines, societal structure, and even religious leadership.

In the Baha'i Faith, succession is addressed within the Last Will and Testament of predecessors, underscoring the necessity of comprehending and respecting these documents. Proper interpretation of wills is crucial, as any ambiguity could potentially spark disputes, leading to dire consequences. Ultimately, wills serve as guiding lights, steering the course of legacies and upholding cherished values for future generations to inherit.

Embark on a profound journey with our newly released book, delving into the life, teachings, and significant Will and Testament of Abdul Baha. Experience the wisdom of Free Bahais by exploring our website and immersing yourself in the pages of this enlightening work. Discover the essence of his legacy—a literary adventure awaits you!

Some Question Answered

 Hello, I have been a baha'i for 2 years now yet i have one question that i cant answer throughout this journey, in bible jesus calls god his father in lots of verses yet in Quran god says thay claimed god had a son how mistaken they are. I can understand that religions essence are same yet practices mag differ yet this one is such a big controversy. Curious for answer ty




Thank you for reaching out with your thoughtful question. The apparent divergence in how Jesus is described in the Bible and the Quran, particularly concerning the concept of God having a son, is indeed a significant theological distinction between Christianity and Islam. Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith addresses this issue, shedding light on the spiritual and symbolic nature of such descriptions.

The confusion, as Baha'u'llah elucidates, often arises from interpreting Jesus as God's literal son rather than understanding the symbolism behind the term "Son of God." This distinction is crucial in discerning the spiritual truths conveyed through religious teachings. Baha'u'llah delves into this subject in works such as "The Wine of Astonishment" and "The Book of Certitude" (Kitab-i-Iqan). The Kitab-i-Iqan, in particular, explores the profound nature of God, emphasizing His unknowable essence and transcending any human attributes.

As per the teachings of Baha'u'llah – "God, the unknowable Essence, the divine Being, is immensely exalted beyond every human attribute, such as corporeal existence, ascent and descent, egress and regress. Far be it from His glory that human tongue should adequately recount His praise, or that human heart comprehends His fathomless mystery."

It is essential to recognize that God, in the Baha'i understanding, is beyond any anthropomorphic description. God is not a physical entity, and the language used in religious texts, including metaphors about familial relationships, aims to convey spiritual truths in terms that people can comprehend.

The compilation, "Nature of God," provides additional insights into this topic, offering a collection of extracts from Baha'i writings that delve into the nature of God. You can explore these passages to further deepen your understanding.

In essence, the Baha'i perspective affirms the oneness of God and recognizes the manifestations of God, including Jesus, as symbolic representations of divine attributes rather than literal progeny. Understanding the spiritual symbolism behind such terms helps reconcile the apparent differences in religious scriptures. If you have further questions or would like to explore this topic more deeply, feel free to continue the conversation.

Hope that answers your question. Do write back in case of any questions.


Team Free Baha'is

Reference : The Caravan Vol 7 Edition 6

New Book Launched: Beyond The Narrative

 A will is a critical legal document that grants individuals the power to outline the management and distribution of their belongings after ...