Book of Ruth White

Is the Bahai Organization
the Enemy of the Bahai Religion? 

An Appendix to Abdul Baha and the Promised Age.  

Ruth White

Seven years have elapsed since the passing of Abdul Baha’ollah and it is with mingled feelings of regret, as well as from a sense of duty, that  I add this chapter to my book.
Two months after the death of Abdul Baha’ollah his sister sent the following cablegram to this country:
January 16, 1922
Haifa, Wilhelmite, N. Y.
In will, Shoghi Effendi appointed Guardian of the Cause and Head of House of Justice.
(Signed) GREATEST  Holy Leaf.
A typewritten translation of the alleged will arrived in America four weeks later and was read by Mr. Horace Holley to a gathering of Baha’is.
The appointment of a successor came as a thunderbolt out of a clear sky to all the Baha’is, as Abdul Baha’ollah had given no hint that he intended to appoint a successor. On the contrary, he said that after him the power of the Baha’i Cause was to vest in what will be known as Houses of Justice. Among many instances that could be cited is the following, published in the official magazine of the Baha’i organisation. The Star of the West, November 23, 1913, p. 238:
In case of difference, Abdul Baha’ollah must be consulted. . . . After Abdul Baha’ollah whenever the Universal House of Justice is organized it will ward off differences.
Commenting on the above the editors of The Star of the West, in a footnote of the December 31, 1913, issue express in the following the belief current among the Baha’is during the lifetime of Abdul Baha’ollah:
The cycle of Baha’ollah’ extends for one thousand or thousands of years from 1844 A.D.; but it is unique in that the "Most Great Characteristic" of the New Covenant is the appointment of a Center, which is now in the person of Abdul Baha’ollah, and after him shall be vested in the Universal House of .Justice for a period of one thousand or thousands of years.
At the time the document was read I neither accepted it nor rejected it. I felt that if it were true the results of the adminis­tration of Shoghi Effendi would be one of the strongest proofs of its authenticity. If it were not true, then time and circum­stances would eventually cause the truth to become known.
This stand on my part caused me no embarrassment in as much as I had never belonged to the Bahai organization (Spiritual Assemblies). For from my personal contact with Abdul Baha’ollah, as well as from all of his teachings, and those of Baha’ollah’, I realized that one of their chief aims was to eradicate the clan consciousness from man, and bring him into the universal consciousness, and not as the Baha’is were doing into an organization, or a box. In primitive times the clan idea, or organization, was the great achievement. For man was so lacking in the conscious­ness of the oneness of mankind that he had to be educated into so simple an organization as the family life. Little by little he was led to broaden his conception from family to tribe and from tribe to country. But that which was a splendid thing and very necessary at one stage in the life of an individual, or a race, becomes not only unnecessary at a later stage but harmful as well. For in exact accordance as people increase in numbers in these different boxes, or organizations, do they use the force of numbers to impose their will upon the rest of the race. So that today we witness the same old primitive warfare of tribe against tribe, only as it is now called organization, and is conducted on a larger scale, we lose sight of the fact that the principle is the same as that which governed the primitive races. And this was the martyrdom of Abdul Baha’ollah. He spoke for the maturity of the age and hoped his followers would catch a glimpse of that matur­ity, and not be content with the effete methods of the past.
Now while I do not mean to imply that 1 understand this maturity, yet I do know that only as we function on the universal plane do we catch glimpses of it. The many tests that befall us blur these glimpses, if we succumb to them. Butwith each test that we overcome the Truth grows clearer. One of the tests that beset me, just after I had become interested in the Baha’i Cause, was an offer to travel as a paid teacher in order to promulgate the Baha’i Message. But I refused this offer, because Iknew that the door of further spiritual enlightment would close unless I kept my religion inviolate from money, and love, of leadership, as Abdul Baha’ollah had cautioned his followers to do.* (*See page 208 on tests)
These were my convictions when I visited Abdul Baha’ollah at Haifa, Palestine in 1920. Therefore, one day when he very opportunely spoke of certain conditions existing in America among the Baha’is, I mentioned to him that 1 had never belonged to the Baha’i or­ganization (Spiritual Assemblies). His face beamed with happi­ness as he replied:

Good, very good. The organization that the Baha’is have among themselves has nothing to do with the teachings of Baha’ollah. The teachings of Baha’ollah are universal and cannot be confined to a sect.
This same thought runs through all the writings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha’ollah. It is expressed in many different ways, ranging from the above, and the following unequivocal statement: "The Baha’i Religion is not an organization. You can never organize the Baha’i Cause," to the less obvious way of saving the same thing. For instance, Abdul Baha’ollah says that it will be impossible to create any schism in the Baha’i Religion. The Baha’is have inter­preted this as meaning that two Baha’i organizations cannot be formed when, us a matter of fact, both Baha’ollah and Abdul Baha’ollah show that no organization can be formed. The moment a person joins the Baha’i organization he is following a "particular meeting of unity" which Abdul Baha’ollah in the following says he should not do:
O friends! It is the wish of Abdul Baha’ollah that the friends may establish general unity and not a particular meeting of unity. You must have great consideration of this fact, for while during past cycles such events were, in the beginning, a means of harmony, they became in the end the cause of trouble.
But to return to the subject of the alleged will of Abdul Baha. Although the document had been read at a meeting of Baha’is in February, 1922, at which I was present, yet it was not until three years later, in February, 1925, that typewritten copies of the document were distributed only among "old and recognized be­lievers" with the permission of Shoghi Effendi. I was presented with a copy.
The reason that the will had come as such a complete surprise was because Abdul Baha not only had given no hint that he intended to appoint a successor but he declared himself in unmis­takable terms against such a policy. The following was spoken at a Persian meeting and was recorded by his secretary, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, July 19, 1913. This was five or six years after the appointment of a successor was supposed to have been made:
The Blessed Perfection* (*Baha’ollah) has up torn the root of the tree of superstition and religious offices. In the Past the ambitious leaders of religions have been the cause of the retrogression and ignorance of a nation. In this Cause there are no religious titles, no cere­monies of ordination. One is not respected simply because he wears a peculiar dress or carries a religious title, or has inherited it from the Fathers. No! These are not the marks of distinction. On the other hand, those SANCTIFIED souls, the signs of their divine sanctity and spirituality become apparent in the hearts of others. People are unconsciously attracted to them through their pure morality, their justice and loving kindness. Everyone is drawn to them through their praiseworthy attributes, and pleas­ing qualities and all the faces are illumined by the light of their virtues and integrity. In this movement there is no title to be given to anyone; no See to be inherited by any person. "The Hands of the Cause” are the Hands of Truth. Therefore whosoever is the promoter and the servant of the Word of God he is the hand of Truth. By the "hands of God" certain definite meanings are con­noted. It is not only a verbal expression. Whosoever is more humble in the Cause of God he is more confirmed, and whosoever is more evanescent, he is more favored.
And again Abdul Baha says:

"There are no officers in this Cause. I do not and have not 'Appointed' anyone to perform any special service, but I encourage everyone to engage in the service of the Kingdom. The foundation of   this   Cause   is   pure   spiritual   democracy   and   not   a theocracy."
From the Diary of Ahmad Sohrab.
The keynote of the teachings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha is freedom of conscience and freedom from the clan conception of life. Therefore the appointment of a successor, endowed with all the powers of a pope, to whom all must turn in obedience, means a reversal of all that they taught during their lifetimes. For instance in "A Traveller's Narrative," edited and translated from the Persian by Professor Edward G. Browne, there is a summary of  Baha’ollah’s teachings on the freedom of conscience, part of which is. as follows:
. . . the conscience of man is sacred and to be respected; and that liberty thereof produces widening of ideas, amendment of morals, improvement of conduct, disclosure of the secrets of creation, and manifestation of the hidden verities of the con­tingent world. . . . So in the world of existence two persons unanimous in all grades (of thought) and all beliefs cannot be found. "The ways unto God are as the number of the breaths of (His) creatures,” isa mysterious truth. . . .
Every line of the teachings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha breaths forth this spirit of freedom. Then what a shock to come in contact with the mutilations to which the leaders of the Baha’i organization have subjected these teachings, such as the following by Mr. Horace Holley, who is the paid secretary and leader of the Spiritual Assembly:
. . . the individual conscience must be subordinated to the decisions of the Spiritual Assembly, . . .
P. 55, Bahai Year Book, 1926, Vol. I.
Could inversion of the teachings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha go further than this: To organize the religion which these founders said could not be organized—to have paid officials and teachers in the religion which the founders said must be kept free from paid officials—and finally, to cap the climax, to have one of the paid officials declare, that the individual conscience must be subordinated to the Spiritual Assembly!
In order to understand how the leaders of the Baha’i organiza­tion came to see the Baha’i  Religion in this inverted manner, it will be necessary to show that they have confused two aspects of the teachings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha, as meaning the same, thing. One aspect is the path of personal attainment which Baha’ollah describes with great beauty in "The Seven Valleys." Abdul Baha’ confirms this path of personal attainment as being the only sign of real faith. That is, we can be Baha’is only through deeds and not through words. To assist in promulgating the Cause, wherever there are nine believers, an assembly may be established. The members of these assemblies are counseled to correspond with the members of the other assemblies all over the world, in order to promote international good-will. But Abdul Baha’ shows in the following that even these assemblies are not necessary:
Regarding the Spiritual Assembly (Board of Consultation, Working Committee, House of Spirituality), this is not the House of Justice. It is a purely Spiritual Assembly, and belongs to spiritual matters, and that is, to teach the Cause of God, and diffuse the fragrance of God.
If the believers arise in the accomplishment of this work, the existence of the Spiritual Assembly will not become absolutely necessary or obligatory. The aim is to teach the Cause of God and spread the fragrance of God. In California they have no Board, but the teaching of the Cause is being done.            
Instructions of Abdul Baha, November 1, to the members of the spiritual meeting.
. . . How I was pleased with the friends in California! They said: "We do not want a committee of consultation, lest we fail into the thought of leadership and superiority, and become the cause of dissension; ... we are serving according to our capacity, and have no thought or aim except the spreading of the fragrances of God."              
Diary of Mirza Mahmood, November, 1912.
The Cause of God is like unto a college. . . . The students must show the results of their study in their department and deeds, otherwise they have wasted their lives. Now the friends must so live and conduct themselves as to bring greater glory and results to the Religion of God. To them the Cause of God must be dynamic force, transforming the lives of men, and not a question of meetings, committees, futile discussions, unnecessary debates, and political wire-pulling.
Extract   from  Ahmad’s  Diary.   Lake  Tiberias,  Syria,  May 6, 1914
Furthermore Abdul Baha says that the ideal assembly is the attainment to the spiritual condition that the disciples of Christ experienced when they gathered together after his crucifixion.
Only as mankind succeeds in putting the principles of the first aspect into practice will the second aspect come into existence. This deals with the government of the future state. That is, when the majority of the peoples of the world become Bahais through deeds, they will naturally want to vote for the laws which Baha’ollah and  Abdul Baha have outlined for the economic readjustment of the affairs of the world. This is as follows: In each country of the world there will be established, by universal vote, what will be known as Houses of Justice. These will take the place of our senates and parliaments of the world. From the members there will be established a Universal House of Justice. One of the ordinances of the House of Justice will be the Laws of Inheritance:
. . .seven classes inherit-children, wives, fathers, mothers, brother's, sisters and teachers. In the absence of one or more of these classes, the share which would belong to them goes to the House of Justice" (Beytul-Adl) to be expended on the  poor, the fatherless and widows, or on useful public works. . . .*
See   The   Journal   of   the   Royal  Asiatic   Society,  1889,   pp. 948-949.
(* Professor E. G. Browne had several Mss. of the Lawh-i-Akdas of Baha’ollah in Persian and this is his translation and summary of one of these laws.)
Another ordinance of the House of Justice will be the law of Huquq. This is similar to our present income-tax laws, and these two laws will help equalize the wealth of the world so that there will no longer be the extremes of wealth and poverty. But Abdul Baha makes it very clear that this will take place only by the vote of the majority of the peoples of the world. The people naturally will obey these Houses of Justice in the same way that we obey our governments  today (or should obey). Abdul Baha says:
. . . The House of Justice will be appointed by the people. It must be obeyed because it is the Law of God expressed through the people by their own will and voice.
... It is the centre of true government and must be obeyed in all things, it is the Law of God embodied in the people, reflecting His Will and their need and desire; not blindly  following command.
Ten Days in the Light of Acca, p. 24.
And again in "The Light of the World," pp. 102-103:
Each state, for instance New York, will have one House of Justice. The cities (of that state) will be under that House of Justice. The nations will choose directly the International House of Justice and everything will be in its hands. For instance, Syria will have a House of Justice. The people will elect it. Then this House of Justice of Syria (as a state under the: Turkish Empire) will elect the House of Justice of Constantinople. Then Con­stantinople, London, Paris, Washington and so on will elect the International House of Justice.
All during the lifetimes of Baha’ollah and Abdul Baha the words "Beytul-Adl," which literally mean "House of the Just," were translated as meaning just what they mean—House of Justice. But since the death of Abdul Baha these words have been mistranslated as meaning "Spiritual Assembly." That is by sub­stituting the words "Spiritual Assembly" for "House of Justice" it makes the writings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha read as if they meant that the Spiritual Assemblies should be obeyed, instead of which they mean that we should obey the future state when it is called "House of Justice," exactly as we are commanded to obey our governments today. Also in the alleged will the tax, which will be one of the ordinances of the future government, and which is to be paid to the House of Justice, is to be paid to Shoghi Effendi.
These inversions and others have taken place .so gradually that many of the Baha’is are unconscious of the extent of these inver­sions. It is therefore a constant source of wonder, that, for some unaccountable reason to themselves, intelligent people shy off when they try to persuade them to come into their organization, or box. They have, therefore, resorted to indirect methods of propaganda, and they have organized "World Unity Conferences" and a magazine called World Unity and a World Unity Foundation. Shoghi Effendi wrote to the Assemblies in 1926 as follows:
In connection with the World Unity Conferences, ... as to the policy that should be adopted with regard to these conferences and other Baha’i activities in general, . . . the National Spiritual Assemblies should . . . resort to the twofold method of directly and indirectly winning the enlightened public to the unqualified acceptance of the Baha’i faith. The one method would assume an open, decisive and challenging tone. The other, . . . would be progressive and  cautious. . . .
Bahai Administration by Shoghi Effendi, pp. 114-115.
The World Unity Conferences are held in all the large cities, but no mention is made from the platform that it is a Baha’i activity. The Bahais flock to these meetings to do what they call "follow-up work" among those who evidence any interest. Then the process begins of trying to achieve the impossible. That is, these teachers who do "follow-up work" try to interest those who have just heard universal principles propounded from the platform, to accept the inverted conception of these principles, and join their organization and become clan conscious. Mr. Horace Holley, is one of the leaders of the Baha’i organisation, and yet as one of the leaders of World Unity Conferences, and as managing editor of. World Unity Magazine he represents himself as a modernist. And for promulgating these irreconcilable viewpoints he receives a salary from both sides of the organization.
The Baha’is do not call their activities "organization" because they know that the founders of the Baha’i religion said it could not be organized. Therefore, Shoghi Effendi and the Baha’is have tried toside-step this issue by calling their activities "Baha’i Administration." This despite the fact that since the death of Abdul Baha they have incorporated the Baha’i Religion, and have even made it an article of faith that unless one belongs to their corporation, and subordinates one's conscience to it one is not to be considered a Baha’i. Some of the activities of their corporation are: collecting funds to build the Baha’i Temple—financing their paid officials, and their Green Acre Summer School—delivering lectures at their headquarters 119 West 57th Street, and in other large cities—publishing The Baha’i Magazine, as well as their indirect activities flourishing under World Unity Conferences.
In December, 1925, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada issued a pamphlet,
"A Plan of Unified Action to Spread the Baha’i Cause." The object of this plan was to make a drive to raise $100,000, as the following quotations show:
The objects of the plan are, in brief, to unify the efforts and enlarge the numbers of the Cause in North America, penetrate the consciousness of the public with the spirit of Baha’ollah, and, by the end of three years at most, accumulate, in response to the request of Shoghi Effendi, a fund of $400,000 to construct the first unit of the superstructure of the Mushriqu'l-Adhkar *  (* Baha’i Temple) at Wilmette, Illinois.
... It is the fixed and unalterable intention of the National Spiritual Assembly to so administer the affairs of the Cause, and so assist the friends, that the amount specified by the Guardian (Shoghi Effendi) – 4,00,000— can be gathered together by De­cember 31, 1928. . . .
To carry this plan steadily forward to a successful conclusion means that contributions must average nine dollars per month from every confirmed American Baha'i beginning January, 1926, and continued uninterruptedly until December, 1928.
At the end of the three-year period the condition of the Fund will be laid before the Guardian of the Cause. . . .
One of the pamphlets and a letter soliciting contributions to this fund, were mailed to me. Without remembering at the time that both Baha’ollah and Abdul Baha had forbidden soliciting, or begging in any form, I made several contributions. Shortly after this I realized that such policies, and others that the leaders of the Bahai organization were advocating, were contrary to the principles of the Baha’i Religion, one of which was that it should be kept inviolate from money and other worldly con­siderations, such as paid officials, and paid teachers. And it was because I saw that under the administration of Shoghi Effendi the Baha’i teachings had not only become more and more inverted, but more and more commercialized that I at last de­manded of the National Spiritual Assembly that they send for photographic copies of the alleged will, and have this document examined by the best handwriting expert. I based my demand on the fact that the Baha’i organization had asked me to subscribe to this fund, and that I had donated to it, without knowledge at the time that the will had not been legally authenticated. In this demand that I made on December 3, 1927, to the nine following members of the Spiritual Assembly: Mr. Horace Holley, Mr. Roy C. Willhelm, Mr. Alfred Lunt, Mr. Allen McDaniel, Mr. Carl Scheffler, Mr. Louis Gregory, Mrs. Amelia Collins, Mrs. May Maxwell, and Mrs. Florence Morton, I also called their attention to the many warnings ofAbdul Baha had given the Baha’is not to accept Tablets purporting to be his which gave authority to any person, such as in the following:
. . . be most careful and attentive that it is in my writing and my signature, that they may not be counterfeits.
Four weeks later, on December 31,  I received a reply from Mr. Holley, part of which is as follows:
Cable Address
Bahai, New York.
National spiritual Assembly Of the Baha’is’ Of The United States and Canada
Office  of the Secretary;
129 East Tenth Street,
New York City
December 31, 1927
My Dear Mrs.  White:

Although you have indicated several points on which you desire explanation or comment, we feel that your letter raises only one fundamental question, namely, the validity of the Will and Testa­ment of 'Ahdu'l-Baha. Since this Will appoints a Guardian to administer the administrative affairs of the Cause, and since the Guardian has approved the matters you question, it of course follows that those who really desire to conform to the wishes and instructions of 'Abdul Baha will accept His instructions concern­ing administrative affairs as soon as they know what these instructions are.
We can, therefore, give you full assurance that the Will and Testament of 'Abdul Baha, a copy of which was sent you over two years ago, is a document written by Him in His own hand, the validity of which has been established by a number of well-known Baha'is from different countries who inspected the original at Haifa.
Apart from this entirely convincing proof, it is a matter of interesting historical record that, when the custody of one of the Bahai tombs at Haifa was questioned after the departure of 'Abdul Baha the finaldecision lay in the hands of the representa­tive of the British Government administering Palestine under the. mandate of the League of Nations, and after full investigation he restored the keys of the Tomb to the Guardian appointed in the Will und Testament of 'Abdul-Baha’.
As no photographic copies of this document exist in the country, we are unable to meet your request for such a copy. In view of the fact that the world-wide Baha'i community naturally most concerned with establishing- the completeness and accuracy of Abdul Baha’s final instruction to His followers, has been .satis­fied with the verbal accuracy of His Will and Testament; and in view also of the fact that the highest civil authorities of Palestine have also accepted the Guardian as the administrative head of the Baha'i Cause, we know that you may rest assured that obedience to Abdul-Baha at this time means obedience to the Guardian appointed by Him in all matters pertaining to the Baha'i Cause."
(Signed)   HORACE HOLLEY, Secretary.
This letter was wholly unsatisfactory because Mr. Holley and the National Spiritual Assembly had evaded answering the ques­tion at issue, which was that they had no legal, or spiritual, right to represent the Baha’is, inasmuch as they based their authority on an unauthenticated will in disobedience to the commands of the maker of the alleged will. Furthermore, the "representative of the British Government" had not had the will authenticated legally as no direct property was involved and no one had contested it to the point of insisting upon this tiring done.
As Mr. Mountford Mills was one of the "well known Baha’is" who had gone to Palestine shortly after the passing of Abdul Baha, I wrote to him asking him to give me what information he could concerning the alleged will. He answered as follows;
27 West  44th St.
NEW York City
January 19th  1928
Dear Mrs. White,
I have your letter of yesterday and have also received the copies of your earlier letters to the National Spiritual Assembly and to Mr. Holley, all bearing upon the question whether the Will accepted by the National Spiritual Assembly as Abdul Baha’s Last Testament is really so. Needless to say, I am glad to give you any information I can relating to the matter.

Answering more specifically the questions in your letter to me, it  is signed by him.
Its parts written before the Master's seal was stolen from him in this country arc sealed.
It is not dated, but its approximate date appears from its contents.
It has not been probated in the sense that we use the word, as there is no provision under the laws of Islam for such a pro­ceeding. It has, however, been officially recognized by the British Government, the Mandatory Power now governing Palestine.

Ihope these answers will satisfy the doubts that have arisen in your mind concerning the authenticity of the Will. Please let me know. I have enjoyed exceptional opportunities to learn the facts about it and do not hesitate to assure you that the document of which copies have been circulated among the Baha’is in this country is the Last Will and Testament of Abdul Baha and embodies his final and most sacred message to his followers.
Sincerely Yours,
(Signed)    MOUNTFORD Mills.
Then upon further questioning he wrote again as follows:
27 West  44th St.
January 22nd  1928
Dear Mrs. White,

I have your letter of yesterday.

As I wrote in my last letter, the formal standards in executing wills here required by our laws cannot be applied to the Will of Abdul Baha. Viewing it through the eye of our custom so far as possible, however, we should consider its three parts as forming his main Will to which two codicils had been added, all three parts being his Last Will and Testament. This is the view I took when writing you. It also seems beyond question that this was the Master's own intention. The three parts were filed together in one place by him, with the evident intent that they should be read together as one document.
Answering your specific questions.
All three sections are signed by Abdul Baha.
The first two sections are sealed.
All three sections are in the handwriting of Abdul Baha.
The Master's seal was stolen during his visit to this country in 1912.
The first two sections were thus obviously written before 1912, the last section after his return to Palestine in 1913. A closer approximation to the exact dates can be drawn from events referred to in the separate sections, but I have not this data with me here. As explained above, following our occidental terminology, there is but one Will with two codicils, the three parts having been written at different dates.

The commands of Abdul Baha which you quote, concerning the identification of letters alleged to have been written by him were given out with special reference to Orientals who might come to this country and mingle with the Friends with the purpose of creating differences among them, and it has always been supposed that the commands were given with particular reference to Dr. _____, who, us you know, did come here shortly afterwards. That these instructions could not have been intended to apply in full detail to all of the Master's writings is clearly shown by the innumerable Tablets sent to us that were almost never written in his own hand beyond the signature. However, 1 agree with you entirely that he would wish even more strongly that anyone feeling that he had reasonable grounds to doubt the authenticity of so gravely important a document as his Will should take every reasonable precaution to be sure.
In response to other letters that I wrote to the National Spiritual Assembly, reiterating my demand that they send for photographs of the alleged will, and have it examined by hand­writing experts, I received a reply from Mr. Holley, asking me to meet the members of the Spiritual Assembly, I accepted this invitation and met them on February 25, 1928. The object of the meeting on their part was, apparently, to try to make me believe that I should accept this document on faith, or on verbal and circumstantial evidence. I, on my part, tried to make them realize that to accept it in this manner was disobedience to the commands of Abdul Baha such us the following which, though it sounds severe, yet was necessary inasmuch as Mohammed Ali and his colleagues were continually trying to undermine the teachings of Abdul Baha:

Any Persian, … (who comes to America) . . . even if it is Shoghi Effendi, or Rouhi Effendi (the two grandsons of Abdul Baha) the friends must demand of him before anything else, his credential letter written in my handwriting, or signed with my signature.          
From Star of the West, October 16, 1915.

They contended, just as Mr. Mills had in his letter to me, that this referred lo a certain relative of Abdul Baha’s. I maintained that it referred to anyone, and that it made no difference whether a person brought a letter or document, or sent one, purporting to be Abdul Baha's which gave him authority, this command applied equally to either case, and that it applied overwhelmingly in the case of his alleged will. For that gave Shoghi Effendi more poten­tial authority than a king or a pope. At this meeting I learned that the photographs of the alleged will, which I had requested three months prior to this meeting, had not even been sent for.

The next day, before the meeting adjourned, I sent the members of the Spiritual Assembly, a letter by special delivery demanding that they cable to Mr. Allen Me Daniel, who was then in Haifa, and request him to bring back the photographs when he returned, In response to this letter Mr. Holley wrote that the photographs had been sent  for.

But on April 25, as I had received no assurance to numerous inquiries I had made that the photographs had even been started on the way, and hearing that photographs of this document existed in London, I sailed for England for the twofold purpose of securing this document, and also to observe the effects of the adminis­tration of the Bahai Cause under Shoghi Effendi. Due to a very fortunate combination of circumstances that had happened several years earlier, I succeeded in obtaining the photographs of the alleged will.

In England, as well as in Germany, I found that the admin­istration of Shoghi Effendi had brought chaos to the Baha’i Cause, Lady Blomfield, whom I met on several occasions, said that there was practically no longer a Baha’i Cause in England, and she had come to the conclusion that the Baha’i Cause cannot he organized. She had asked Abdul Baha in 1911 if he approved of the Houses of Spirituality (the organized groups of Baha’is also called Spiritual Assemblies). He replied as follows:

If you had lived in the time of His Holiness the Christ which would you have chosen to be—one of his disciples, or a member of the Council of Trent?
She replied: Without question I would have chosen to be one of His disciples. But if  by my presence I could have leavened and helped the Council of Trent, then I would have chosen to he one of them.

Lady Blomfield now perceives that the latter choice would have been amistake, for she tried to leaven the Baha’i organisation and found it an impossible task.

I returned to America on May 29th with the much coveted docu­ment. On that very day Mr. Holley also wrote to me that the photographs of the will were at his office, and invited me to inspect them, which, needless to say, I was glad to do. He informed me that neither he nor the National Spiritual Assembly intended to have  the will examined by experts, as theywere per­fectly certain that it was valid. With this final refusal of the Spiritual Assembly to comply with the wishes of Abdul Baha, I knew that his prophecy had indeed come true. He said that when the final test came to America there might not be two Bahais left. This, then, had been the great test—they had tried to build it on a foundation of disobedience; they had violated the Covenant, which could result in one thing and one thing only—disaster to them­selves individual and disaster to their organization.

I had also taken this matter up with Mrs. Mary Handford  Ford, who is the leader of the other faction in the Baha’i organisation. For there are two decided factions in the Baha’i organization. One faction is represented by the leaders of the National Spiritual Assembly, the chief of which is Mr. Holley. It is the sectarian, dogmatic group which by garbling, or at any rate acquiescing to the garbling, of the texts of Baha’ollah' and of Abdul Baha, has led the public to believe that the obedience which Baha’ollah and Abdul Baha said mankind must give to the future government, means obedience to the leaders of the Baha’i organization. The other faction, of  which Mrs. Ford is the leader, does not go in for such extreme organization. Therefore, I had more hope that she and her group would see that to accept the appointment of Shoghi Effendi, based on an unauthenticated will, was spiritually and legally wrong and my disappointment was keen when she failed to do so.

After I had been to Mr. Holley's office and examined the photographs  of the  alleged  will,  I  wrote  to him  and  the Spiritual Assembly asking them if they would permit me to use their photo­graphs as their copies were clearer titan those I possessed. I also asked them if they would secure for me photographs of several Tablets known to be in the handwriting of Abdul Baha. Nearly six weeks latter, on .June 13, I received a letter from Mr. Holley with the photographs, but no mention of my request regarding the Tablets.

My next step was to try to secure the services of the greatest handwriting expert in the land, and I finally selected one who is conceded to be so. Due to the fact that he was working on a book, shortly to be published, he could not undertake the work before January, if then; but he gave me some valuable advice, that the document should be examined from three different angles: First, from the spiritual point ofview. Does the alleged will agree with the teachings, and the intent, that the maker held during his life­time, or dues it contradict them? Secondly, from the. literary point of view. Is it written in the style of Abdul Baha; Thirdly, from the scientific point of view - submit it to the scrutiny of the best handwriting experts.

I decided to undertake the examination of it from the spiritual point of view. My two main reasons for believing it to be invalid are, because it contradicts the teachings of Baha’ollah and of Abdul Baha, and also because, under the administration of  Shoghi Effendi, the Baha’i teachings have become completely inverted and commercialized. $9,806,00 was sent to Shoghi Effendi in ten weeks, from November 30, 1925 to February 8, 1926.

Every incident that has happened in connection with this affair convinces me that the real enemy of the Baha’i Religion is the Baha’i organization. It was not mere chance that the Baha’i organi­zation was founded by Dr. I. G. Kheiralla and Mirza Assad'ullah,* (* Assad'ullah organized the first Spiritual Assembly, which was called The House of Spirituality, at Chicago in 1901.) the two arch enemies of Abdul Baha, and it has continued ever since as the enemy of the Baha’i Religion. Not of course as the open or avowed enemy, because such an enemy is never effective; but the enemy, nevertheless, which, while purporting to represent Baha’ollah and Abdul Baha in words, are their bitterest enemy in policies.  For although  the Baha’is have long since repudiated
Dr. Kheiralla and Mirza Assad’ullah personally (they had to as both of these men, shortly after they had organized assemblies, became the open enemy of Abdul Baha, and allied themselves with Mohammed Ali) yet they never repudiated the inverted interpretation that these two men gave to the Bahai Religion. This has prevailed ever since.

I do not mean to imply that the leaders of the Baha’i organiza­tion are conscious enemies of the Baha’i Religion, any more than the bigots of the dark ages were the conscious enemies of Christianity. For like those same bigots, these modern-day bigots shout the loudest that they are the only true representatives of the religion they claim to represent. It was the policies of the bigots of the dark ages that were the enemies of Christianity, exactly as the policies of the Baha’i organization are the enemies of the Baha’i Religion today. In both instances the underlying idea of their respective organizations were the same—that the individual conscience must be subordinated to the leaders of their organiza­tion, and in both cases they gave to the world the inverted idea of the religion they claimed to represent; for Christianity taught the freedom of conscience, just as the Baha’i Religion reiterates it today.

I now believe that it would make little difference to the leaders Of the Baha’i organisation whether the will proved to be valid or invalid, for they would continue to follow their present policies just the same. Except that in case it proved to be invalid they would merely repudiate Shoghi Effendi personally, just as they had repudiated Dr. Kheiralla and Mirza Assad'ullah, while still retaining their policies. It also occurred to me that perhaps the most effective means of precipitating matters that will lead to the legal examination of the alleged will was to send the following letter to the High Commissioner of Jerusalem:
To His Excellency
The High Commissioner of Palestine,
Jerusalem, Palestine.
Your Excellency:

I wish to consult you about a matter of international im­portance, which is as follows:

Sir Abdul Baha Abbas of Haifa, Palestine, and his illustrious Father, Baha’ollah, the founders of the Baha’i Religion, have adherents in all the great countries of the world. Eight weeks after the death of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas, in November, 1921, his sister sent cablegrams to the Baha’is of the world announcing that Sir Abdul Balm Abbas had left a will in which he appointed Shoghi Effendi (his oldest grandson) his successor. The powers granted to Shoghi Effendi in this alleged will, endows him with as much potential power as a king or a pope. For a tax is to he paid to him by all the Baha’is of the world, and this as well as other things in the alleged will, is contrary to everything that Sir Abdul Baha Abbas taught during his lifetime.

In December, 1925, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada distributed pamphlets, the object of which was to collect funds, as the following extract will  show:

The objects of the plan are in brief, to unify the efforts and  enlarge the numbers of the Cause in  North  America,  penetrate the consciousness of  the public with  the spirit  of Baha’ollah. and. by the end of three years at   most, accumulate in response to the  to the request of Shoghi Effendi, a fund of $400,00 to construct  the first   unit of the super structure of the Mashriqu'l Adhkar * (* Bahai Temple) at Wilmette., Illinois.

I subscribed to this fund, us the enclosed Photostats of the checks will show, without knowledge at the time that this docu­ment had not been legally examined by handwriting experts. I understand that no one contested it to the extent of insisting upon this being done. It is very significant that Mohammed Ali, the half brother of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas, did not insist upon this being done, for the following reasons:

When Baha’ollah died, in 1892, he left a will appointing Sir Abdul Baha’ollah Abbas his successor. This infuriated Mohammed Ali to such an extent that he interpolated an epistle of Baha’ollah's, in order to nullify the influence of Sir Abdul Baha’ollah Abbas, and claim the succession for himself. This interpolation was made public by Badi'u'llah, in a pamphlet called "An Epistle to the Baha’i World," in which he confessed that he had witnessed Mohammed Ali's interpolation. After this public confession the influence of Mohammed Ali was broken. But in all the years that have intervened since 1892, Mohammed Ali has been secretly work­ing to gain control of the Baha’i Religion. The alleged will of Sir Abdul Baha  Abbas, is a recital of the plotting of Mohammed Ali, in order that the Baha’is would not follow Mohammed Ali after the death of Sir Abdul Baha. Abbas. Therefore, Mohammed Ali knowing that the could not be the successor himself may have, in collusion with other members of the family of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas, interpolated into this authentic document the appointment of Shoghi Effendi. The motive for this is very obvious, for the appointment of a successor of any member of the family of Sir  Abdul Baha Abbas endowed them with as much potential power as the family of a king or of a pope. For if there had been no appointment, the family of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas would have been penniless. The thing that gives credence to these supposition is the fact that the alleged will contradicts the teaching of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas, inasmuch as the appointment of a continual line of successors, to whom the tax must be paid, is contrary to everything that lie taught during his lifetime.
May I ask you (if it comes under your jurisdiction) to have the alleged will examined by handwriting experts, and with especial care the parts relating to the appointment of Shoghi Effendi? If it does not come under your jurisdiction then will you please delegate it to the proper official;
Mr. Mount ford Mills, a Bahai who went to Haifa to inspect the alleged will shortly after the death of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas, wrote to me as follows, in answer to questions I asked concern­ing it:
It  has.  however,  been  officially recognized  by the British government, the Mandatory power now governing Palestine
May I ask you also, as a special favor, if you will give me the report dealing with this recognition by the British Government. The enclosed check is for this report. 1 shall he glad to send you another cheek for any other necessary expenses.
This request is made in the interest of universal peace, which Baha’ollah and Sir Abdul  Abbas worked so hard to establish, and because I believe their work is being nullified under the powers granted In the alleged will.
I shall he deeply grateful if you will look into these matters.
Respectfully yours,
( Signed)  Ruth White
This letter has been dispatched. In a later edition of this book I shall give the details of this affair as they unfold. It is with much regret that due to the fact that the leaders of the Baha’i organization refused to do their duty, legally and spiritually, that the unpleasant task devolved upon .me of doing it for them. Also in the doing of it their policies, and actions, became so clear to me that I felt this history should be published, inasmuch as it is a problem that affects the present as well as the future welfare of humanity. This chapter is a preliminary effort to rescue from the chaos of the Baha’i organization the universal religion that Baha’ollah' and Abdul Baha gave to the world.

Teachings of Baha'u'llah

The following texts of Beha'U'llah, concerning the return of the soul or the reincarnation, are taken from His utterances, entitled the "Sacred Tablet:"

"Regarding thy question about the 'return,' know thou that the 'return' is like unto the 'beginning (the first incarnation), for as thou seest the 'beginning, likewise see thou the 'return' and be of those who can see. That thou may'st have clear understanding, see thou the 'beginning' identical with the 'return and the 'return' identical with the 'beginning.'

"Know thou that all things in all times, by the command of thy God the Almighty, 'begin' and 'return. But the return which is the purpose of God and which was written in His Holy and Sacred Tablet, and which foretold His servants concerning it, is the 'return' of the creatures at the Day of Resurrection. This is the cause of the 'return as thou hast seen in the days of God, and wast of those who testify. By His command this 'return' is to be recognized of those whom He wisheth to be known. Verily, He is the One who doeth what He desireth. Look thou not regarding this position into limitations and names. See thou when the Point of Beyan appeared (the Bab, glory be to him), how he decided that the one who believed first was Mohammed, the Messenger of God.

"Is it meet for anyone to object, saying, This man is a Persian and Mohammed was an Arab, or, The name of this one is Huseyn and the name of the other was Mohammed ? By the Self of God the Most High, No!

"Know thou that at the Day of the Appearance everything [man], with the exception of God, must return and all are on the same level, though they are of the high and of the low. No one can recognize the 'return of anyone, save after its declaration by the command of God. Verily, He declareth whom He wisheth. But after the imparting of the Word of God to the creatures he, whosoever listeneth and believeth, would be considered of the highest of the creatures, even though he were of those who carry ashes; and he, whosoever rejecteth it, is of the lowest of the creatures, even though the people should consider him as a redeemer, and even though he has all the Material and Spiritual instructions."


This tablet hath descended from the Presence of God, the Ruler of the Names, to the people of Beha, who speak not save that which hath been uttered by the Tongue of Might and Power, and who follow not every lying claimer. These are they who have drank of the wine of faithfulness from the hands of the Providence o£ their God the Mighty, Chosen. Ye shall hear the voice of a croaker; heed ye him not. Leave him alone and advance toward the Kublah (Center) of all horizons. All preceding Manifestations were ended in this Manifestation, which hath appeared in truth; And all preceding lights have merged into this horizon, from which the Sun of Might and Glory hath dawned. Blessed is the soul which educateth the creatures in accordance with the commandments of God which have been written in the Books and Tablets.

Say: If every day a Manifestation were to appear the command of God would have no effect in the cities and countries. This is a Manifestation, the like unto which shall manifest Himself but once in five hundred thousand years. Thus have we uncovered the veil and have lifted up the curtains. Blessed is he who knoweth the purpose of God, for he who comprehendeth it, his heart shall rejoice and his steadfastness in the Cause of God would be in such wise that none in the universe can lead him astray. In this tablet we have uncovered a secret of the Mysteries of this Appearance and have secluded that which ought to be hidden; other­wise, the clamour of the wicked would be raised up. By God the truth is; none knoweth this save the one to whom it was decreed. If anyone should attain the fragrances of this Garment (Manifestation) he would be attracted in such wise that he would be elevated above the contingent worlds. Should we fully explain what we have uttered in this tablet, pens and ink would not suffice. Having this unimaginable and Supreme State, yet thou nearest what those who are led ' astray say against Him.    We have unveiled for thee one of the secrets as a favor upon thee, that thou mightest thank thy Lord the Mighty, the All-Wise.

Oh, My Name, we have uttered in most of the tablets that this Cause is Great and Great, yet none hath comprehended its Greatness, but those whom thy God the Mighty, the Generous, hath chosen. We have abandoned the people of superstitions in the wilderness of selfishness and lust, occupying themselves with that which they have of imaginations. Verily, thy God is Self-Subsistent and Supreme. The Standard of "There is no God but He," hath been raised up; still they speak that which they have heard from the vile and worthless. We hereby give thee tidings of the Word which appeared in the Garment of Splendor between the earths and the Heavens.

Say: Praise be to Thee, 0 Thou whose bounty hath surrounded me and hast promised me with such a promise not before vouchsafed to the righteous. Enow thou that the, Tablet of Ahkam (commandments) hath descended from the Rising Place of Inspiration of thy God, and we, in truth, will send it as a command from Our Presence. Verily, thy God is the Exalted, the Chosen. We have uttered for thet a, tablet before this one and have sent it from another place, that thou mightest ascertain that the promise of God hath preceded every other promise. We ask God to help thee in [ spreading His Cause and to confirm thee in. that which He wisheth and desireth in all times. Verily, the Beha is upon thee and upon those who spoke with what was uttered by the Tongue of Knowledge in the contingent world; that there is no God but He, the Powerful, the Exalted, the One, the Single, the Supreme and the Mighty.
My greetings are upon my friends, who believed in God the Mighty, the One.
(Received from Akka, October, 1900.)

Still the Voice of God is ascending and the Light of His Appearance from the horizon of the Mount is shining and reflecting; yet the clouds of darkness shall come after this light, and the mists of hatred shall follow. In those days the rays of The Sun of Truth shall be stopped from shining, but at last its light shall victoriously reappear, the Cause of God shall spread and His Command shall be exalted. We command the followers of El Hack (Glory be to Him) to be faithful, pious and to do that which will contribute to the progress of the world and to the elevation of the Word of God.

Oh, people of God, it is meet for you to only display the exaltation of God by making your actions, movements and steadfastness as mirrors of His Will. Always "This Oppressed One" commands the seekers and the friends to do that which will cause development and elevation. Every existing atom beareth witness that He seeketh naught for Himself.
Praise thou "The Ancient of Days," for He mentioned thee while He was surrounded and harrassed by the attacks of nations.

We ask God to sustain thee and the people of that country, to confirm you in praising and mentioning Him, and to grant unto you the Wisdom and Knowledge. Verily, there is no God but He, the One, the Commander, the Ruler, the Mighty and the Generous.

Consult the council, and do thou according to its behests, for in numerous tablets have we commanded all to establish the council. We ask God to help thee and His people to do what He wisheth and desireth, and we ask Him to pardon thy parents and all those who have returned unto Him, for He is the Most Merciful and the Creator of those who are in the Heavens and upon the earth.

A remembrance hath been issued from Our Presence to him who hath believed in the One, the All-Knowing, and hath advanced toward the Center of Creation and hath confessed that which the Tongue of Might hath uttered. "The Kingdom is to God the Lord of the Supreme Throne."

Verily, El BEHA mentioned thee at the time when the lamentations and sorrows of His heart were great, because of what the hands of the tyrants had wrought against Him. Verily, the croaker hath uttered his evil voice and the tyrant hath risen for oppression.

My Supreme Pen beareth witness to this: Verily, it informeth you concerning what hath been committed against the Perfection, the Ancient of Days, by the hosts of infidels who in appearance do move about Him; but the attitude of their innermost is known to God, the Lord of the Lofty Throne. By the Life of God, this Book is lamenting and the Supreme Pen is weeping and crying out: "Oh, people, fear God and deny ye not Him, who came from the Heaven of Bounty with a Power which vanquisheth all those who are in the heavens and upon the earth." As thou hearest the Voice at once direct thy face toward God and say: "The Splendor be to Thee, 0 Lord of all the worlds, for Thou hast remembered me in the prison at Acre, whilst Thou wast amongst the hands of those who cast away Thy Covenant and Faith and disbelieved Thy Word, which surrounded thopp who exist in the past and in the future."
El BEHA be upon thee and upon everyone who is steadfast and faithful!

The paper was seen and its contents understood.    Verily, it is the truth that those who are faithful in the Path of God are few.    In this present time the movement of the period of tradition is to be renewed.    Shortly many shall follow their worldly lusts, abandoning the Essence of Piety and occupying themselves with that which is naught.

Verily, they shall neglect the Aim of the Worlds. This gentle breeze which is breathing from the Spiritual Rizwan shall be stilled and the Morning of Truth shall be exchanged for the evening of falsity. If possible, then, it is meet to shut the eye of criticism and open that of affection; otherwise, cursing and execration, hatred and enmity, shall be renewed as in the past times. Now, this condition exists, yet with loving kindness we treat them. This Epistle is Sent to the Followers of Beha'u'llah by Mu hammed Husein Schirazi.

In the year 1360 A. H.  (1844 A. D.) a certain young man appeared in Persia, whose original name was Ali-Muhammed, but as he claimed in the beginning of his career that he was the gate of knowledge, he was called the "Bab" (gate) and his followers "Babists."

Finally he declared himself to be the one whose appearance was expected by Islam, called by the Sheites "Ckaim" and by the Sunnites "Mahdi." From the commencement of his work his great subject was the glad tidings of the approaching event, the greatest Manifestation of the Promised and Generous One. He mentioned Him in his utterances with supreme deference, just as John the Baptist spoke about the appearance of Jesus Christ: "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."—St. Matthew, 3-11.

Sheik Ahmad-el-Ihsai, a great, learned man, who appeared in the thirteenth century A. H., had foretold the coming of the "Bab" and taught his disciples and the people to expect the coming of the "Ckaim" at any time. After the death of this Sheik one of his disciples, Haji Seyyid Kazim- el-Reshti, who was as profound a student as his master, took  his position and at once began to teach and preach openly the approaching appearance of the "Ckaim." He gave many explanations of the sayings and teachings of his Sheik'concerning that appearance. On his deathbed he urged his disciples to start at once in search of the promised One. These two learned doctors have written many things on this subject which we cannot insert in this brief account.

When the "Bab" declared himself in the city of Shiraz,  the capital of Fars, one of the disciples of the Sheik, Seyyid Kazim, and the oldest one of those who were searching for the Promised One, was of the first to believe in the "Bab" and embrace the new faith. Many theological doctors learned men and people of all classes gathered around the "Bab," believed in him, and were deeply stirred by his wonderful thought and knowledge. He gave to them the glad tidings of the coming of the Greatest Manifestation. He frequently mentioned in his writings the attribiites of "Him whom God shall manifest"—His Great Appearance—and emphasized the importance of His Manifestation. And, although he claimed for himself the highest state of spirituality, yet he considered himself naught and as a poor servant in comparison with the aforesaid One. Tho "Bab" did not definitely appoint the time for the Manifestation of the Father. Sometimes he mentioned a fixed time, and then again he spoke of Him as if He were present, saying: "All is in His hand; if He so desireth, He may even now declare Himself."

He  frequently said that His Appearance might take place either in the ninth year or the nineteenth—that is to say, 1269 A. H. (1853 A. D.), or 1280 A. H. (1863 A. D.). The "Bab" continued to give these glad tidings to the peop! from the beginning of his mission until he was executed in the city of Tabreez, the capital of Atherbijan, in 1266 A. H., on the 28th day of Shaban—that is, 1850 A. D., July 9th.

Three years later He whom the Babists expected appeared in His Name, El-Beha, declaring that he was the Promised One of the Scriptures. He manifested Himself to the Babists twice—once to a few of His followers in the ninth year after the first appearance of the "Bab;" the second time in the nineteenth year from the Bab, 1280 A. H.   (1863 A.D.)-

[Note by Translator — His manifestation to the whole world, inviting the rulers and the great people of the earth to His spiritual banquet, "to eat and drink with the elect,"  was in 1284- A. H. (1867)]

Beha'U'llah, since He declared Himself, has conclusively proved from all Scriptures that He was the Promised One. He has uttered tablets and written epistles which attracted the hearts and refreshed the souls. The noble life he lived astonished and impressed the people, and His fame spread to all countries. All who knew Him acknowledged His Supremacy and were awed by the loftiness and greatness of His character.

His claim that He was the Promised One of the Holy Scriptures and that His Appearance was the Greatest, and that it will take place only once in every five hundred thousand years, may be found in His many writings. He also proved that a higher virtue and greater grace distinguished His day. The following quotations from the prophecies in the Holy Books prove the truth of His claim:

"Psalm 24, 7-10. Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. (8.) Who is this King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in Battle. (9.) Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. (10.) Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.    Selah.

"Isaiah, 4—2.   In that day shall the Branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious and the fruits of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

Also, Psalm 50, 1-3; Psalm 108, 10.

"Beha'Ullah called Himself 'the Branch' in many off His Tablets, and I have seen some of them in His own handwriting.

"Isaiah 28, 5-6; Isaiah 33, 16. He shall dwell on high, His place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks; bread shall be given Him; His waters shall be sure.

"Isaiah 35, 1-2. The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly and re]oice, even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord and the excellency of our God.

"Isaiah 40, 3-5.    The voice of Him that crieth in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our Lord.    Every valley shall be; exalted and every mountain and hill shall he made low; and ^ the  crooked shall be made straight and the rough places : plain.    And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

"Isaiah 40, 6-10; Isaiah 62, 7-8.    How beautiful upon' the mountians are the feet of Him tlmt bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation, that sayeth unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!    Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see, eye to i eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion."

The seventh verse of the 52nd chapter of Isaiah is considered to be a prophecy concerning the Bab when he was imprisoned in the mountains and gave the tidings concerning the appearance of Beha'Ullah.

"Isaiah 62, 2-11; Isaiah 65, 17-18; Joel 2, 1-2.    Blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand; a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains; a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. Joel 2—3, 4, 10, 11, 31, 32; Joel 3—14, 17, 21; Amos 1—2; Micah 4—1, 2. But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the ' hills; and the people shall flow into it. And many nations shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths, for the law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Micah 4—3, 4, 5, 7; Nahum 1—15; Zachariah 2—10. Sing and rejoice, 0 daughter of Zion; for, lo! I come and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. Ziich. 6—12. And speak unto him, saying: Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord."

Of His texts, in which He calls Himself "The Branch are the following in his own handwriting: "Hark, 0 people, to the voice of God through this Blessed Branch, the Hand of God, the Ruler, the Victorious, the Visible, the Invisible, the Known, who has planted in the Eternal Garden these words: 'There is no God but I, the Exalted, the Self-Existing.' "

He also uttered the following verse, which was written in a letter sent to the wife of the Bab, who was named the "Leaf of Paradise:" "God has remembered the Leaf of Paradise, that she may hear the melodious voice of the Leaf of Eternity from this Branch, who sprang up in His name, El ABHA."

Respecting the building of the Temple, there is a book called the "Book of the Temple," written on a paper thus *    *    *    and at its conclusion He gave the following text:

"And thus We built the Temple with hands of Might and Power. Were ye of those who knew? This is the Temple of which ye were promised in the Book. It is meet for ye to advance to it, were ye of those who reason. Be just, 0 people of the earth; see ye not that this Temple is a better one than that which was built of clay? Advance to it, for thus ye are commanded by God, the Exalted, the Self-Existing "

"Zachariah 8—3. Thus saith the Lord; I am returned unto Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the Lord of Hosts, the holy mountain.    Zech. 9—9; Zech. 14-9; Malachi 3—1, 2. Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me; and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His Temple, even the messenger of the Covenant, whom ye delight in; behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap:
"Malachi 4—5. Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet hefore the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."
It is said that the messenger of the Covenant is the Bab, who gave tidings of the appearance of Beha'U'llah, took His Covenant and prepared the way before Him. He is Elijah the Prophet, who was mentioned in the 4th chapter of Malachi. Beha'U'llah plainly declared in many of His well-known tablets that the Bab was Elijah.
"St. John 14—26, 30; St. John 15—26; St. John 16—. 12-14; St. Matthew 23—39; St. Matthew 24; St. Matthew 25—31."

The teachings of Beha'U'llah are all based upon union and love, and command us to abandon hatred and strife The fundamental principle of His creed is to stop religious disputes and to root out the enmity of faith. He expressly, taught the necessity for the cessation of religious wars and. the equal necessity for the consorting of all peoples, of all 'faiths, with pure love and spirituality.    This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah.— (Isaiah 2—2-4.)

In His writings, Beha'Ullah uttered numerous texts emphasizing these great principles.    They are full of significance, and those who hear them cannot but feel deeply impressed. They compel every just soul to testify to His Supreme benevolence. We shall quote some of them, in accordance with the necessity of our subject. One of the most important points asserted in his writings is that there cannot be a true Manifestation (a prophet) before the completion of a full thousand years from his appearance, and if anybody should claim to be a prophet no one ought to believe in him, even though he could utter the texts. For this reason, if every now and then other Manifestations should take place, confusion would follow and the Word of God would lose its effect and no good results could be attained there­from. The Holy Law-Giver has in every Manifestation a Supreme infallibilty. His command is the command of God. His words are the words of God, and no other besides Him has any such authority. Everyone should abide under His shadow, follow His commands, and be responsible for his sayings and actions according to His laws. He who rises after Him for the helping of His work must spread His Word and practice His commandments; and his position ought to be that of absolute servitude. He has no authority to change a single letter of the commandments contained in His Books. In His writings alone is to be found the true balance, the supreme test. In every ease those who differ must consult His Books for a decision. He ordered His followers to consult and study His utterances upon all occasions, and especially whenever they might differ upon some question after His departure.

Of His utterances are these: That His Sons are the finger-posts pointing toward Him, and the executors of His command. They are controlled by His laws, but have no power to change one letter of His commandments. They have the highest position among His followers; and all must honor and respect them, appreciate their position, and obey them, so long as they work in the Shadow of His Word and in proper servitude of His law.  He gave utterance, in several epistles and tablets, to many admonitions for His people.    He commanded them to live in concert and love each other, and to deal with people of all religions in a spirit of unity and friendliness.      

 One of the great events of His days is, that after His  arrival at the prison of Acre He sent with one of His friends  an epistle to the Shah of Persia. The bearer, who was in the prime of youth, delivered the letter to the Shah while he was on a hunting expedition. In that epistle Beha'U'llah asked the Shah to call Him and the most learned doctors oil the empire together, in order to discuss His claim and the differences between His teaching and that of the Sheites— this meeting to be held in the presence of the Shah. This is considered a wonderful thing, for the Shall was a powerful one, and the doctors were all bitter enemies of Beha'U'llah, and at the same time their word was law to the Sheites, who submissively obeyed all their commands. Therefore, His request to hold this conference must be regarded as a conclusive proof of His sincerity and of His ability to substantiate His claims in every particular.

One of the strongest evidences which Beha'U'llah has embodied in some of His epistles as proof of His claim was the martyrdom of those followers of the new religion, who were so persecuted in His country, and although slaughtered in the cruelest manner, were faithful to the end. These tragedies resemble those which took place amongst the early Christians, but it is said that the people of our time are even more faithful and devoted, for some martyrs of our day have killed themselves with their own hands out of devotion to their Lord. Some of the murdered women and children displayed a devotion, the like of which has never been heard of in the past ages. We can but mention these events in this brief article, but should anyone desire to know the details, let him ask to see the Book of Martyrs.  

It is a well-known fact that differences of thought, disseinsions,  have taken place in every religion that has appeared in this world, either in the day of the Law-Giver or after his departure.    This is proved by the histories of past agesIt is an event which has always happened.  In such cases the wise will judge the different thoughts by the just judge, the Book of the Law.    They will approve of that which  is  in  perfect  accordance  with  it,   and  reject  that which differs from its teachings, even though it came from a high source.  For the true and only judge is the Book by which everything, every case and every thought must be justified.

Let us now proceed to give a short account of what happened after the departure of Beha'U'llah. His followers differed among themselves regarding very important questions in His teachings. Such dissensions have occurred in all ages, because those who have ambitious aims will at once, when they have the opportunity, begin to sow the seeds of corruption in the hearts of the people, and thus gain for themselves supremacy and riches. But to return to our subject. The oldest son of Beha'U'llah, Abbas Effendi, together with some relatives (not by blood) and other designing persons, have intrigued in a rather peculiar manner to gain personal benefits and the most absolute supremacy. But they found obstacles in their way, the greatest of them being the writings of Beha'U'llah, which are widely spread in many countries. These utterances contain that which will deprive them of authority, disappoint their hopes, and refute their claim. Another important obstacle is the three Branches and the family, for they will never agree to disobey even the slightest command contained in the books of Beha'U'llah. In short, Abbas Effendi claims the power of knowing the inner and a divine attitude, and explains this in different and ambiguous ways. Thus they have planted the seeds of doubt in the hearts of those who have not sufficient knowledge of the utterances of Beha'U'llah, and but little understanding of His teachings.

One of the seeds of corruption which he sowed in the hearts of many is his claim that he is the Manifestation of the Only Son of God—that is to say, the Lord Jesus Christ while all the Holy Books plainly prophecy of one Manifestation only—i. e., that of the Everlasting Father, the Eternal God. Abbas Effendi. claimed this in order to induce Christians to accept him as sole authority. Indeed, he does not desire that the Supreme Position of the Father should be acknowledged. His policy is to please those people around him. After they come under his absolute control he will claim for himself every supreme attitude—that there is none beside him—as he has already done among his immediate followers. To keep these people in his power he has tried by every means to prevent them from reading the works of Beha'Ullah, which would show them plainly the falsity of his claims and teachings. These works would make them aware of the harm which has resulted in the past from holding to false doctrines, for they lead back to barbarism and have ever been a hindrance in the way of civilization, knowledge and science. Briefly, we may say that aome people were seduced by his honied words to believe in the truth of his claims and follow his teachings, which are full of superstition and distorted imagination. In the beginning the claims were not made openly, but merely hinted at vaguely, but when he and his supporters discovered that the wise among the believers did not oppose them and kept silent — this they did, fearing to start disturbance and dissension—they were encouraged and with extreme boldness showed forth their false pretensions. Then those who were wise, faithful and upright rose up in defense of the true faith given them by Beha'U'llah, and from the epistles of their Lord, clearly proved the strength and justice of the stand they had taken. Those who were trying to lay a foundation upon which to build their supremacy found that this uprising of the honest and sincere believers would be in the way of their interest. They knew that if their simple-minded followers were al­lowed to meet with the pure in the faith and discuss the differences they would be awakened to see the truth, for the proofs of the truth are from the striking words of their Lord, Beha'Ullah. Fearful of the result, Abbas Effendi has prevented and prohibited his followers from speaking to or associating with those who will not blindly obey him, and thus laid the foundation of enmity and revived the barbarian creed, that to associate with those of different faith is a cause of sin and uncleanness. Even now the party of the younger Branches and the family of Beha'Ullah still invite those people to follow the commands of their Lord—i. e., to associate with all in a spirit of friendliness and kindness. But the invitation is of no avail, tor they are getting worse and worse in their attitude of unfriendliness and enmity.

Mrs Ruth White A Devoted Baha'i

Mrs. Ruth White  

Mrs. Ruth white was an influential and devoted Bahai. She met Abdu'l- Baha in Boston in 1912, and who twice visited him shortly before his death in Haifa , became an enthusiastic admirer and disciple of the Master. When Abdul Baha died in November, 1921, a cable signed by the sister of Abdu'l-Baha was received in America in January, 1922, stating that Shoghi Efendi had been appointed in the Will as “Guardian of the Cause and Head of the House of Justice.” This news came to Mrs. White and other in America “like a thunder bolt out of a blue sky,” for they had never heard Abdu'l-Baha say anything about appointing a successor. After four weeks a typed copy of the Will was received in America , undated and unsigned. As Mrs. White studied this document she eventually came to realize that it contained laws which, in her opinion, would change completely the Baha'i teaching. Of these she mentions the following:(1)


The appointment of a continual line of successors or popes for a thousand years who are to control man's conscience....


These successors are to be supreme dictators over the House of Justice

The taxes....which were to be paid to the House of Justice are to be paid to Shoghi Efendi. 

There was to be no organization of the religion itself, and no paid officials or priest- craft, yet despite this the Baha'is, at the dictation of Shoghi Efendi, have incorporated the Baha'i Religion and are trying to control it through a more bigoted priest-craft than almost any other in existence.”
As time passed Mrs. White became convinced that this alleged Will could not be authentic. She therefore requested Mr. Holley and Mr. Mills, the chief men in the American Baha'i Administration, to submit a photographic copy of the Persian original to an expert and get his opinion. They did not dc: this. So Mrs. White herself, at great personal expense and trouble, went to England in 1928 and succeeded in acquiring a photographic copy of the Will, and gave it to a recognized expert to examine. While in England she discovered that there “the administration of Shoghi Efendi has brought chaos to the Baha'i Cause. Lady Bloomfield(2).....said there was practically no longer a Baha'i Cause in England,”(3) The handwriting expert for the British Museum, Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell, after long and careful study, on June 3, 1930 wrote a detailed report to Mrs. White, in which he stated: “A minute comparison of the authenticated writing [of Abdu'l-Baha] with the writing on every page of the alleged will....has failed to detect in any part of the will the characteristics of the writing of Abdul Baha.”(4) 
In four of her books and pamphlets(5) Mrs. White professed complete devotion to Abdu'l-Baha, but brought a most scathing indictment against his grandson and the Baha'i Administration.Regarding Mrs. White's efforts Co prove that the Will was a forgery, Shoghi Efendi wrote as follows: (6)
“The agitation provoked by a deluded woman who strove diligently both in the United States and in England to demonstrate the unauthenticity of the Charter....and even to induce the civil authorities of Palestine to take legal action in the matter – a request which to her great chagrin was curtly refused as well as the defection of one of the earliest pioneers and founders of the Faith in Germany whom that same woman had so tragically misled, produced no effect whatsoever.” 

It is evident that whatever the merits of the case were, the civil authorities of Palestine would be unable to take any action on a Will which had not been probated. Accordingly, the Baha'i administration, unwilling to submit the Will for a probate, and unhappy that anyone should undertake an “independent investigation of truth” as to the authenticity of the Will, did nothing but denounce the investigator and ignore her charges .
While some like Mrs. White had their doubts as to the authenticity of the Will, there were others who accepted the Will as authentic, but were unhappy about the way in which the Guardian used the authority which the Will had bestowed upon him. Among these were two devoted Baha'is, one an American and the other an Iranian. As their story is instructive it will be told in some detail.

Mr. Hermann Zimmer(7) one of the pioneers of the Baha'i Faith in Germany, proved his devotion to the Cause by going at his own expense, and at the risk of his life, to Berlin during World War II, in an attempt to have the ban on Baha'is removed, but he did not succeed. He has stated that his friend Mr. Wilhelm Herrigel, also one of the Baha'i pioneers in Germany, was not “misled” by Mrs. White, as Shoghi Effendi stated, but came to the same conclusion by independent study of the evidence, and as a result, formed the “Free Baha'is” with a number of members who rebelled against the Guardian and the Baha'i Organization. Mr. Zimmer also is opposed to what he calls “Baha'i totalitarianism,” and has written extensively against it. (Letters from Mr. Zimmer to J. Anthony Sistrom). 

1. The Bahai Religion and its Enemy the Baha'i Organization, by Ruth White, The Tuttle Company, Rutland , Vermont 1929.
2.    Author of The Chosen Highway , Baha'i Publishing Trust.
3. Abdul Baha and the Promised Age , by Ruth White, 1927, Appendix, p. 17.
4. Abdul Baha 's Alleged Will is Fraudulent, by Ruth White, 1930 , p. 16.
5. Some years later Mrs. White wrote yet another book, Bahai Leads Out of the Labyrinth, 1944, which is similar to Abdul Baha and the Promised Age.
6. God passes By, p. 362.
7..Zimmer, Hermann. A Fraudulent Testament Devalues the Bahai Religion Into Political Shoghism . 132. Translated by Jeanine Blackwell rev. by Karen Gasser and Gordon Campbell . Waiblingen/Stuttgart, Germany : World Union for Universal Religion and Universal Peace, 1973. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.142.

Works of Mrs. Ruth White

. White, Ruth. Abdul Baha and the Promised Age . xv, 224. New York : Ruth White (Also New York : J. J. Little and Ives), 1927. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.130.
White, Ruth. Abdul Baha's Alleged Will is Fraudulent: An Appendix to The Bahai Religion and Its Enemy, the Bahai Organization . 21. Rutland , Vt. : The Tuttle Co., 1930. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.131.
. White, Ruth. Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament . 129. Beverly Hills : White, 1946. Bjorland p.152 Collins 12.132.
. White, Ruth. Bahai Leads Out of the Labyrinth . 259. New York : Universal Publishing Co., 1944. Bjorland p. 152 Collins 12.133.
. White, Ruth. Correspondence Between the High Commissioner of Palestine and Ruth White, Concerning the Alleged Will and Testament of Sir Abdul Baha Abbas . 11. Los Angeles , Calif. : White, 1932. Bjorland, p.153 Collins 12.135.
. White, Ruth. Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?: An Appendix to Abdul Baha and the Promised Age . 22. New York : White, 1929. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.136.
7 . White, Ruth. The Bahai Religion and Its Enemy, the Bahai Organization . 233. Rutland , Vt. : The Tuttle Co., 1929. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.134.

Works of Zimmer Hermann

. Zimmer, Hermann. A Fraudulent Testament Devalues the Bahai Religion Into Political Shoghism . 132.   Translated by Jeanine Blackwell rev. by Karen Gasser and Gordon Campbell. Waiblingen/Stuttgart, Germany : World Union for Universal Religion and Universal Peace, 1973. Bjorland, p. 153 Collins 12.142.
. Zimmer, Hermann. Die Wiederkunft Christi: von der die Prophezeiungen sprechen (The return of Christ, concerning which the prophecies speak), Waiblingen, Freie Bahai, 1986, 68 pp

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 In a dramatic and long-anticipated move, Payam Aryan’s defection from the authoritarian stronghold of Haifan Baha’i leadership, combined wi...